Groups and Committees

ALIA Groups and Committees are an essential part of the life of the Association and the LIS sector in Australia. Groups and committees are run by energetic and committed volunteer ALIA members who generously give their time to create active and vibrant professional networks that contribute to the sector in a variety of ways, from running professional learning and social events through to the creation of sector standards and the provision of advice to the ALIA Board.

ALIA’s Committees and Groups were reviewed in 2022. The ALIA Board resolved to create a new structure for Committees and Groups with 5 categories: Sectors; Advisory Committees; Special Interest Groups; Regional Groups and Working Groups (as needs basis).  

Advisory Committees

Advisory Committees will advise the ALIA Board in those areas where the Board actively seeks advice on a regular basis in alignment with the Strategic Plan. 

Sector Committees

The purpose of an ALIA Sector Committee is for those sectors where an independent body (eg NSLA, CAUL) does not exist. 

Library Sectors

Library Sectors

ALIA Groups

ALIA Groups fall into 3 categories: Regional Groups, Special Interest Groups, and Working Groups. Regional Groups will support local networking and events, celebrate the local community and advise ALIA on any local issues. Special Interest Groups will be groups brought together around specific topics and will enable members to engage, participate, develop and advise in relation to the area of interest. Working Groups are formed on an as-needs basis, and will be brought together to work on a specific issue or emerging trend eg government submission or advocacy. 

Regional Groups


The GLAM Top End group is a cross-sectoral group for all information professionals and GLAM members, to connect people from galleries, libraries, archives and museums across the Top End region of the Northern Territory....


ALIA Gold Coast Library Network

The Gold Coast Library Network connects staff from all libraries across the Gold Coast region, including school, public, university, TAFE and specialist libraries....

ALIA Gold Coast Library Network

ALIA Island

ALIA Island welcomes colleagues and supporters to join us in exploring the future of libraries and the profession in our beautiful island state, lutruwita/Tasmania....

ALIA Island


ALIA New South Wales is a cross-sectoral, state-based group and aims to be representative of ALIA members in NSW.


ALIA Queensland

ALIA Queensland is a cross-sectoral, state based group seeking to provide opportunities for ALIA members to participate in networking and professional development activities....

ALIA Queensland

ALIA South Australia

ALIA South Australia is a cross-sectoral group for all information professionals and GLAM members in South Australia.

ALIA South Australia

ALIA South Coast

The ALIA Group for the Illawarra, South Coast and surrounding areas. Connecting and creating community through professional development, events, visits and dinners across the region....

ALIA South Coast

ALIA Victoria

ALIA Victoria facilitates communication and networking among Victorian library and information professionals through formal and informal functions....

ALIA Victoria


ALIACT is a cross-sectoral, Canberra based group and aims to be representative of ALIA members in the ACT.



ALIAWest co-ordinates and communicates strategic professional issues and organises continuing professional development activities statewide....



Based in Townsville, TropicALIA is a virtual group for library staff and students in North Queensland.


Special Interest Groups

ALIA Adult Literacy

The Group will meet online to begin with to share ideas and resources, and to investigate national initiatives such as training for adult literacy volunteers in a library setting....

ALIA Adult Literacy


Australasian Libraries in Emergency and Security (ALIES) is a cooperative information network which aims to serve and support the common interests of law enforcement, emergency services, and security agencies connected with human, natural, industrial...



ATSILIRN (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library and Information and Resource Network) was established after it was recognised that there was a need for a support and information network for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people working i...


ALIA Canberra and Region Retirees

The ALIA Canberra and Region Retirees Group aims to provide social gatherings for all retired library people who would like to keep in touch with other retirees. Retirees in Canberra and the surrounding NSW regions form the core of ALIACRR....

ALIA Canberra and Region Retirees

ALIA Childrens and Youth Services

ALIA Children's and Youth Services promotes library services to children and youth, highlighting children's literature and fostering professional development of members....

ALIA Childrens and Youth Services

ALIA Community on Resource Description

The Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC), a joint committee of ALIA and the National Library of Australia, has represented the interests of the cataloguing and resource description community for over 40 years. In 2019, ACOC ceased and its...

ALIA Community on Resource Description

ALIA Digitisation and Preservation

The ALIA Digitisation Community of Practice aims to share digitisation processes and procedures to ensure best practice across the sector....

ALIA Digitisation and Preservation

ALIA Disability

ALIA Disability was established as an ALIA Special Interest Group in May 2021, following a talk about Latrobe Community Health Service research into public libraries supporting people living with disability...

ALIA Disability

ALIA Graphic Novels and Comics

ALIA Graphic Novels and Comics is intended to be a resource and network for library and information professionals who are responsible for, and interested in, comics and graphic novels....

ALIA Graphic Novels and Comics

ALIA Green

ALIA Green has been established to inform & educate colleagues on issues of sustainability.

ALIA Green


LARK (Library Applied Research Kollektive) fosters evidence-based practice and applied research in library and information studies....


ALIA Law Librarians Queensland

Law Librarians Queensland aims to help promote and discuss issues and ideas relating to law libraries and law librarianship in Queensland....

ALIA Law Librarians Queensland

ALIA Multicultural

ALIA Multicultural aims to facilitate networking, support, professional development, and resources for the Information sector with a focus on Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities....

ALIA Multicultural

ALIA National Library Technicians

An ALIA National Lib Tech Group is forming in 2024 – as a way for Australia’s Lib Techs to connect, collaborate and feel part of a community....

ALIA National Library Technicians

ALIA Prison Libraries Group

ALIA Prison Libraries Group promotes the interests of prison and detention centre libraries and those who use and operate them.

ALIA Prison Libraries Group

ALIA Queensland University Libraries Office of Cooperation

Queensland University Libraries Office of Cooperation (QULOC) is a collaborative organisation of university libraries in and around Queensland, Australia....

ALIA Queensland University Libraries Office of Cooperation

ALIA Rainbow

ALIA Rainbow is ALIA’s newest group and aims to facilitate networking, support, professional development and resources for LGBTQIA+ library people and allies....

ALIA Rainbow

ALIA Rare Books and Special Collections

ALIA Rare Books and Special Collections is a forum for library and information professionals who are responsible for, and interested in, rare books and special collections....

ALIA Rare Books and Special Collections

ALIA Resource Sharing

ALIA Resource Sharing Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to facilitate networking, support professional development and resources with a focus on Resource Sharing for the Library and Information sector....

ALIA Resource Sharing

ALIA Schools

ALIA Schools promotes the interests of school libraries and teacher librarians, provides opportunities for professional development, lobbies for school libraries with state and local groups, liaises with other groups,...

ALIA Schools

ALIA Students and New Graduates

The ALIA Student and New Graduates Group provides a forum for new graduates to communicate and socialise with colleagues and build relationships and networks within the profession....

ALIA Students and New Graduates

ALIA WA Library Technicians

The ALIA WA Library Technicians Group: Promotes ALIA and library technician activities, Encourages professional development and communication within local area and nationally, Encourages new graduates through mutually-supportive friendships....

ALIA WA Library Technicians

Australian Evidence Based Practice Librarians' Institute

The Australian Evidence-Based Practice Librarians' Institute is an introduction to Evidence-Based Practice, focusing on question building, searching, critical appraisal of appraisal of the literature and advanced topics related to systematic reviews....

Australian Evidence Based Practice Librarians' Institute