ALIA Health Libraries Australia


Health Libraries Australia (HLA) is the national professional organisation representing librarians and information professionals working in all health sectors including: hospitals and other clinical facilities, research institutes, regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, government departments, regional health services, professional colleges, universities, cooperative research centres, not-for-profit and community organisations, and parts of public library services.  The vision of Health Libraries Australia is that all Australians benefit from health library and information professionals’ expertise that is integral to evidence based health care.

State National 

Contact Gemma Siemensma
ALIA Board Representative Emilia Bell


HLA Website

HLA Website 

Visit the HLA website for information on the five HLA portfolio areas, publications, social media, and more.

ALIA Health Libraries Australia Publications

HLA produces two regular publications:
JoHILA (Journal of Health Information and Libraries Australasia)
  •  The HLA professional journal
  • Published three times per year
  • JoHILA has replaced HLA News
  • Current awareness service
  • Published monthly
  • For HLA members