ALIA Blog Article

FAQs: ALIA Regional Groups 2023 

What is changing about ALIA Groups in 2023?

We are dividing ALIA Groups into two distinct categories to better reflect their purpose: Regional and Special Interest. Regional Groups are those based on a state or region while Special Interest Groups are formed because of a shared interest in a specific area of work, role, activity or issue.

We are working with the Convenors of our Regional Groups to take stock of the current Regional Groups to ensure all of Australia is covered and that there is minimal geographical overlap. This may mean the merger of a couple of Regional Groups and this will be discussed in detail with the Groups concerned.
Other changes include:

• the appointment of a full time Regional Engagement Manager;
• the establishment of a Regional Convenor network;
• a transition to Microsoft mailing lists to replace the e-lists;
• a campaign to promote the Regional Groups and their activities to members;
• an increased focus on face to face events in all States and Territories.Who will be the main point of contact at ALIA for Regional Groups?

The Regional Engagement Manager (REM) will be the main point of contact moving forward. Previously our State and Territory Managers (STMs) provided oversight and support for Groups in addition to a mixture of staff in the National Office.

We have decided to move away from the STM model after many years of outstanding service from our STMs. The REM will not only act as the main point of contact, they will support ALIA’s Regional Groups to ensure consistent and equitable opportunities for members around Australia, coordinate reporting, oversee implementation of the ALIA Groups Handbook, and coordinate the major face-to-face events in each region with the Regional Group.

How does the Regional Engagement Manager differ from State and Territory Managers?

Will ALIA staff at National Office still provide support?

Staff at National Office will still be involved in providing support to promote and plan events, set up websites and mailing lists and manage finances. These services will be managed via the REM.

When will a revised Groups Handbook be available?

Very soon! We are currently revising the Handbook to ensure that is relevant and up to date and the REM will be able to implement the revised version in the coming weeks.

What kinds of activities should Regional Groups be focussing on?

That’s entirely up to you! Regional Groups can put on events such as low-cost continuing professional development (CPD) activities, library visits, information exchanges, networking events, social functions and more. We hope that you continue to hold both virtual and in-person events that suit your Region’s particular members and interest base. From what we’ve heard from Regional Group convenors and members, more and more of you are seeking opportunities to share resources with your fellow Groups, discuss best practice for running events, and seek opportunities for collaboration, so we would encourage you factor this into your event planning and learn from each other.

If we’ve partnered with an organisation outside ALIA for an event or activity, can we still go ahead with that partnership?

Yes. Any previously arranged partnership for an event with another organisation can proceed as planned. Any new partnerships should be discussed with the REM. The starting point is that partnerships are welcome - the discussion will be around identifying any risks or concerns and how they can be addressed.

Can we still go ahead with any planned events we have for 2023?

Yes. If you have already scheduled events for the coming year, all you need to do is forward us the dates and details at [email protected].

What major ALIA events are coming up in 2023 that we should be aware of?

We have a calendar coming out very shortly specifically for ALIA Regional Groups detailing our annual events and campaigns as well as days and other events of significance for the sector.

Will ALIA be running face-to-face events in all Regions in 2023?

Yes. One of our key commitment this year is to ensure that at least one face to face member event is held in every State and Territory. This is a minimum and we encourage you to organise more.

I’ve heard that Regional Group Convenors will now receive an annual honorarium. How much is it and what can it be spent on?

This is correct. ALIA have put aside an honorarium pool of $20,000 to be distributed equitably between Regional Group Convenors to recognise the time, passion and energy required to coordinate an active Regional Group with support from the REM. The honorarium is a personal ex gratia payment which can be spent at the sole discretion of the Regional Convenor ie there are no restrictions.