Australian Academic and Research Libraries (AARL)

AARL publication history

ISSN 0004-8623 (print), 1839-471X (online)

Important note: AARL is no longer published. Previous issues can be accessed through Routledge Taylor and FrancisThe Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA) is now the premier research journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. 

Australian Academic & Research Libraries was the premier research journal of the Australian Library and Information Association from 1970 to 2016. It was a quarterly journal that published original, refereed research relevant to the researcher and practitioner communities. AARL was a forum for discussing significant issues of interest to librarianship and related information fields. The Journal aimed to showcase theoretical and practice-based research undertaken in, about, and relevant to, Australia and our broader region. AARL invited contributions from authors world-wide, working across the full range of information professions, as well as those in the higher education sector and research libraries.

AARL is abstracted or indexed in Australian education index, Australian library and information science abstracts, APAIS: Australian public affairs information service, Information science abstracts, Library and information science abstracts, and Library literature. All articles which appeared in AARL are fully peer-refereed.

How to get a copy of AARL

  • Visit a library which subscribed to AARL to read the journal.

Green open access

Past Editors and Chairs of the Editorial Board


1970-1984 Dietrich Borchardt
1985-1989 John Horacek
1990-1997 Peter Biskup
1997-2005 Peter Clayton
2006-2008 Ross Harvey
2009-2012 Bob Pymm
2012-2016 Gaby Haddow and Mary Anne Kennan

Chairs of the Editorial Board

1990-1997 Eric Wainwright
1997-2005 Earle Gow
2005-2008 Vic Elliott
2009-2013 Imogen Garner
2014-2016 Paul Genoni


volumes and issues | ALIA publications archive |